I am reposting this list again to update you about my progress. I know I still have to post a blog entry for each accomplished task. Stay tuned!
30 Things To Do Before I Turn 30
1. Celebrate a birthday with the orphans
2. Deliver a commencement speech
3. DIVE!
9. Climb Mt. Kinabalu
10. Learn ow to take underwater photographs (relate to No. 3)
12. Celebrate a birthday with the elderly
13. Run a full marathon (42k)
15. Learn how to drive
17. Kiteboarding!
18. Ride a hot air balloon
19. Graduate from lost school
20. Take and pass the BAR!
21. Manage the landscaping business
22. Surf in Bali
24. Buy a car
25. Visit all ASEAN member countries
26. Bring the whole family to Hongkong
27. Climb Mt. Pulag
28. Skydive!
29. Watch a movie alone
30. Embark on a personal retreat on my 30th birthday to do some real soul searching ;)
That's it for now, folks! :)
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I don't know why but I think this is so inspiring!
We did this in school the other day.. it was fabulous maybe i should blog my list
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