I've been toying with this idea in my head for several months and I've started compiling this list since 13 October 2010. Now, I decided to post it here to remind me of my goals for the next two years (more or less) Some are mundane, others are sumkinda philantrophic while the rest are surefire ways to die before I turn 30. haha!
1. Celebrate a birthday with the orphans
2. Deliver a commencement speech
3. DIVE!
4. Bungee jump (head first)
5. Go to El Nido and see a pawikan and even an eagle
6. Go to Batanes and sleep in the "bahay na bato"
7. Have my photo taken with the
donsols of Sorsogon
8. Put up a new business (probably the tutorial school)
9. Climb Mt. Kinabalu
10. Learn ow to take underwater photographs (relate to No. 3)
11. Take up bellydancing lessons
12. Celebrate a birthday with the elderly
13. Run a full marathon (42k)
14. Travel abroad - alone
15. Learn how to drive
16. Learn poledancing
17. Kiteboarding!
18. Ride a hot air balloon
19. Graduate from lost school
20. Take and pass the BAR!
21. Manage the landscaping business
22. Surf in Bali
23. Get myself a decent boyfriend ;)
24. Buy a car
25. Visit all ASEAN member countries
26. Bring the whole family to Hongkong
27. Climb Mt. Pulag
28. Skydive!
29. Watch a movie alone
30. Embark on a personal retreat on my 30th birthday to do some real soul searching ;)
Yay! Now, I have 30 great reasons to look forward to my 30th year on this planet. I hope that by then I would have accomplished all these things and more! Wish me luck! ;p
After I finish doing one task, I promise to devote an entire entry about it as proof that I really did it and as the cliche goes, lived to tell the tale, or rather, blog about the tale. :D