Friday, May 1, 2009

zip, zip and away!

Just a quick post before I leave for Batangas... again! :)

I uberly enjoyed my first zipping session, thanks to my patient teacher, Lala, who happens to be my classmate from MA Psych. Its a small world after all. Anyway, zipping is not as easy as it looks. It needs eye-hand coordination movement and a certain level of concentration. Today, I just learned the basics. Forgot the terms though, but I do have to practice on a few routines. And I also bought my very first pair of poi. Yey! I'll elaborate on this later when I get back.

For now, I'm off to another spur of the moment adventure with good ole friends. :)


Miss B said...

So, this has absolutely nothing to do with your posting here...however I just saw the comment you left at PleaseFindThis, and felt compelled to reach out through my computer screen and give you a brief electronic hug.

And so, this is me, doing just that.

I have someone like that in my life also -- but I am willing to take the crashing and shattering which I know will come after every reappearance he makes (due to circumstances, and the fact that life is complicated and unfair much of the time) because the fleeting shining moments between those bone-rattling crashes are...just so remarkable. Life is wondrous strange.

I wish you well, stranger.

Warm thoughts wrapped in silver ribbons to you...

taonglangit said...

Thank you very much for that electronic hug Miss B. Its a relief knowing that someone understands what I'm going through.

I absolutely agree with you - those fleeting shining moments between those bone-rattling crashes are well worth it.

Cheers to love. :)